How a Spoonflower Shop Made My Day

How a Spoonflower Shop Made My Day

Today I electronically signed a tax form that allowed me to check a box which made my fabric designs sellable on the Spoonflower site.
Two years ago I signed up for a class called Leverage Your Art. I was undergoing a major surgery and I wanted something creative to hold onto. Something to literally look forward to, to visualize happening for myself beyond the hurt and into the healing.
I have met so many lovely people, learned from so many wonderful instructors, fellow artists and creatives. I have been excited, filled with joy, struggled and wondered if I’d ever get there.
The path has been winding and I have delved into giftware, book illustration (and writing), Procreate, custom brushes and teaching. It doesn't have to be (and rarely is) a straight line.
My little shop has some patterns I really love and some I am less sure of. I don't have all my descriptions written or all my tags set, some collections still need collecting. In other words, it isn't perfect.
It never will be.
Realistically, having this shop doesn’t mean I’ll make a living designing fabrics, it might only ever mean that I am a surface pattern designer with designs for sale on Spoonflower. But for anyone reading this who might be struggling with a dream you are working to make real, a destination you are working hard to reach...keep going.
It feels really good when you get there.
Thank you to just a few for the lessons, tools, inspiration and encouragement along the way! 

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